Behind the Alchemy

About Us


Conscious collaborators committed to assisting our planet’s evolution…one heart spark at a time.



To be of service and offer a way to upgrade “heartware” and activate DNA. We’re honored to support and empower you during this global consciousness shift.



Bridging ancient wisdom with progressive innovation, we create a space for you to access and amplify your limitless healing potential in the PRESENT.

Meet Our Guides

siSTAR co-founder
Nathalie Marie Rivett

Certified Hypnotherapist, HeartMath® Certified Trainer, Coherence Coach, Usui Reiki Master, Certified Aroma Freedom Technique™ Practitioner, E.S.I. Wisdom™ Certified Practitioner.


“Be smarter than stress”- with a clinical and spiritual practice you reprogram yourself to live stress free .

  • Heart mission: To offer awareness that the conscious intelligence of the heart and mind coupled with positive thoughts and emotions promotes healing.
  • You can influence your electromagnetic field as all is energy and vibration – it’s all connected.
  • Breathe, relax, open your heart and “‘Let Go” of what no longer serves. Release negativity, recharge and reconnect with your true essence: a beautiful intuitive being.

Stress Free Vibes

siSTAR co-founder
Barbara Hudak

Registered Nurse, HeartMath® Certified Master Trainer and Coach, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Aroma Freedom Technique™ Practitioner, E.S.I. Wisdom™ Certified Practitioner, Quantum Heart Alchemist.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” Carl Jung

  • Heart mission: To offer techniques and resources to support your awakening, and ignite the manifestation, of your heart’s desires.
  • For those willing to explore, I playfully co-create a sacred, heart-centered container to support authentic self-discovery and conscious expansion.
  • The heart serves as a gateway to our past, present and future…simultaneously. Reconnection with our “heart spark” unleashes our limitless potential, creativity, wisdom, and vitality.

Heartful Integrations